吴昶博士 Dr Wu Chang

Wu Chang

吴昶(吴邱保) 1980年就读中山医科大学六年制临床专业,分配广东医学院第二附属医院内科主治医师,后继续深造于广州中医药大学本博连读研究生,师从李赛美教授。获中西医双学士、硕士、医学博士学位,西医主任医师、国家执业中医师、香港注册中医师、香港大学兼职中医教授,深圳吴邱保西医内科诊所主任、香港圣明堂中医馆院长。他所研究的课题:“中药桂枝汤加味治疗屈光不正(近视、远视、散光)伴弱视、斜视的临床研究” 获得卓越成果,疗效显著,现经已申请国家专利。

Dr Wu graduated from Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences in 1980, and was a resident at The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College. He later pursed TCM at Guangzhou TCM University, where he obtained a Bachelor Degree, Master and PhD. He is a student of a renowned TCM physician in China, Li Sai Mei. Dr Wu is a part-time TCM professor in Hong Kong University, a licensed practitioner in both Hong Kong and China with many years of clinical experience. Dr Wu currently has a patent on his topic of using TCM herbs to treat myopia and amblyopia. He has a high success rate in the treatment, especially among young children.